
Monday, June 13, 2005

Life goes on...

Dear Folks,

Although I am thinking of leaving, I must clarify that I will be bringing all my sweet memories and friendships along with me. That means that I will never forget any of my students and colleagues! Your contact numbers and email will never be found in the recycled bin and the practice of inviting you to my place (e.g. for steamboat during CNY) will still stay on and on until the day when you marry and I am invited to your house instead (hopefully, I can share with you some marriage and parenting tips)! I am thankful to God that our paths crossed and for the colours that all of you have added to my life!

Ok, I better not continue in this tone as it sounds as if I am leaving really soon! Still have one more year to go (that's a pretty long time, and who knows, I may just change my mind)... The sec 4 classes will leave earlier than me anyway...

Going for a holiday trip... Chalet at East Coast on thurs to sat... is that considered as a holiday break? Oh well, better than nothing! it's the people and not the place that really counts... (p.s. I am not trying to comfort myself!)

I read this article about discovering the real "you", which I find is so important... no one is more "younique" than you! Read on...

Why am I me?
Why can't I be someone else?
He or she seems so much happier.
Why can't I be them?

No doubt we all have asked ourselves such questions at some point in our lives. Human nature is such that we are never satisfied with anything. And when we start to compare… that's when we begin to crush ourselves under a landslide of self-imposed demands.

A life based on other people's expectations is a futile and exasperating one. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to live up to everyone's expectations. We should live by our own yardsticks, because we are unique individuals. No two people are made the same. Every one inevitably has their own perceptions about beauty. Only people who haven't reached a level of mature thinking would criticize and judge others by their own standards.

Maturity does not commensurate with age. Sheila G. of Victoria, Australia was merely 15 years old when she wrote this piece…

You're an individual. You're You. What makes You that You is Your smile, Your voice; the way You walk, the way You take everything calmly in Your stride; Your interests, Your love; Your personality and Your features.

No one can take these things away from You. All these combined as one forms a unique and beautiful individual, You. There is no one else in this entire universe that is exactly like You. No matter how much they may look like You, talk like You and have in common with You, the bottom line is that they'll never be You. You can't be replaced.

Another thing is, You can't be someone else. The same things apply, You can look like them and have everything in common with them, but the one thing that will never be is that You will never be them.

We all have a special something that we all treasure deep inside and no one can ever take that away from You, just like we can't take it away from others. No one is exactly the same; we're all different in Mind, Body and Soul.

We're all meant to be. Learn to love Yourself. To do this You have to truly look inside Yourself. Find the center of the whole You and work on it. Build on it. Work on it's potential. Once this is done, then You can look at Yourself in the mirror and honestly say "I can see myself ". This is because when You have worked upon Your inside, what You see of Yourself on the outside becomes what You are on the inside. You'll be able to see the whole You reflected back 100%.

This is what true beauty is: knowing who You are and accepting it. Beauty, I believe, comes from within and this is how it shines through.

Never judge yourself based on the criteria of others. Don't compare yourself with others because everyone has his or her own problems and insecurities, most of which you will probably never know about or be able to understand. But most of all, we should never deceive ourselves to believe that we have the right to condemn or denounce other people simply because they don't correspond to our own ideals.

I will praise You (God), for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. Psalm 139:14