My Firstborn, Christian Chow
He was born on 10/10/01. The labour was long and tiring for my wife. We were worried as my wife has epilepsy and we were afraid that she may have relapse half way. Thank God, she managed to pull through the labour smoothly after about 15 hours of labour! For the first time, I have the chance to witness the birth of life. Blood was flowing, tears were streaming and finally, he was crying!
We named him Christian because we wanted to remind ourselves about what we believe in. Not a religion that follows a set of dos and don'ts but a loving relationship with a true and living God! My son has often reminded me to pray and we have often experienced God's providence and help many incidents... in stopping the rain so that we can go for an outing,in finding a carpark slot in a crowded place,in recovering from sickness, in opening the door with another key when my son accidentally locked himself in the toilet, in thanking God for the milk powder, diapers, clothings, food & toys, in finding the strength to go on day by day without losing heart! He also exposed me of my weaknesses... my lack of patience when he refuse to listen, my lack of love when he do something that irritates me, my lack of knowledge to provide answers to all his "why" questions. He is pretty artistic as he loves to draw and paint. To date, I think he has drawn about 30 over drawings on his own. He just loves animals: when he draws, most of them are animals, when he plays play-doh, he makes animals, when he play lego, he makes animals, when he play imaginary games, he pretends to be an animal (usually lion), when he select TV programmes and VCDs, what thrills him the most are documentaries of animals. I am not surprise if he wants to be a zookeeper in future! He is also a music lover who often sings and dance to a great variety of songs that we expose him to. Who knows, I may one day be sending him to the school I am teaching (famous for performing arts) so that he can develop his talents. Right now, we are considering of sending him to NAFA kindergarten to get a head start!
Becoming a father is easy but being a good father is not! With my "L" plate on, I am slowly (snail-speed) learning and hopefully maturing to become a good steward of this wonderful gift (every child is a gift not a burden) that God has given to me!
We named him Christian because we wanted to remind ourselves about what we believe in. Not a religion that follows a set of dos and don'ts but a loving relationship with a true and living God! My son has often reminded me to pray and we have often experienced God's providence and help many incidents... in stopping the rain so that we can go for an outing,in finding a carpark slot in a crowded place,in recovering from sickness, in opening the door with another key when my son accidentally locked himself in the toilet, in thanking God for the milk powder, diapers, clothings, food & toys, in finding the strength to go on day by day without losing heart! He also exposed me of my weaknesses... my lack of patience when he refuse to listen, my lack of love when he do something that irritates me, my lack of knowledge to provide answers to all his "why" questions. He is pretty artistic as he loves to draw and paint. To date, I think he has drawn about 30 over drawings on his own. He just loves animals: when he draws, most of them are animals, when he plays play-doh, he makes animals, when he play lego, he makes animals, when he play imaginary games, he pretends to be an animal (usually lion), when he select TV programmes and VCDs, what thrills him the most are documentaries of animals. I am not surprise if he wants to be a zookeeper in future! He is also a music lover who often sings and dance to a great variety of songs that we expose him to. Who knows, I may one day be sending him to the school I am teaching (famous for performing arts) so that he can develop his talents. Right now, we are considering of sending him to NAFA kindergarten to get a head start!
Becoming a father is easy but being a good father is not! With my "L" plate on, I am slowly (snail-speed) learning and hopefully maturing to become a good steward of this wonderful gift (every child is a gift not a burden) that God has given to me!