
Thursday, May 19, 2005

My First Daughter, Ekklesia Chow

Ekklesia Chow

She was born on 14/05/03. When she was still a foetus in her mummy's womb, my wife came down with a virus that can be deadly to the foetus. We prayed hard that the virus will not spread to her in the womb and thankfully, my wife managed to recover without endangering her life. We named her Ekklesia because of the vision that we received from God. Many a times, we often treat God as a vending machine, asking Him for favours and help when we are in trouble. Seldom do we ask God to tell us what He wants from us... What!? O.o Does God need anything at all? Isn't He the creator of all things? What can we give Him? o.O Well, God owns everything in this universe except for the freewill (the freedom to choose) in us. He actually long for a group of people who is willing to love Him and live their lives for Him. That is exactly what Ekklesia stands for: it is the Greek word for "church", which means the assembly of those who are called out from this world to live for God! Church actually refers to a group of Christians and not the building! Bet you don't know, right?

She started off as a very quiet baby. We thought she is going to be easy to handle. As days go by, she started to make more noise and soon it grew louder and louder and LOUDER! She is now a "chilli-padi" who likes to do things her own way and can be very stubborn! She looks harmless and adorable when things are going her way but if you snatch anything from her and if you don't let her do things her way, she will ROAR and literally bite you (Christian has many of her teeth marks)! She is very close to her mummy and sticks to her like super-glue. In fact, my wife can't even go to the toilet peaceably as Ekklesia will come banging at the door, crying for Mummy when my wife goes out of sight! She is reasonably close to me (saying hello and smiling at me when I reach home - my heart melts when she kisses me occasionally on her own). Whenever she is dancing or doing something funny, she will always call for my attention. I hope to reduce her stickiness to my wife but have so far failed to do so. I have tried volunteering myself to pad her to sleep at night but she always refuses me with a strong NO! I WANT MUMMY!

Having a daughter is really a totally different experience! The heart of this woman (mini-size) is hard to fathom or maybe I am a block of wood (as usual)!